
Staff working remotely? Change the way you manage them
When the pandemic forced the almost overnight switch from office-based working to setting up shop at home, nobody had much time to prepare. For the first few weeks it was merely about getting by an...
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Working at home? Exercise has never been more important
It probably seemed like a drag at the time, but those long walks to the bus stop or the train station as you made your way to work were really important in terms of physical wellbeing.
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Government has nothing to fear about home working culture
Even though it was a government mandate that people should work from home, you could tell they were slightly uneasy about the long-term consequences. What would become of a population who abandon t...
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Money saved by companies closing offices should be reinvested in the homes of employees
From epicentre to a ghost town Walking through the office districts of towns and cities across the UK has become a lonely experience. What were once bustling zones full of office workers are ghost ...
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The importance of a perfect Zoom backdrop
Ask anyone who had to set up a home office prior to March 2020, and they would say the focus was on perfecting what was in front and beside you. A large desk space, adequate stationery within easy ...
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How lockdown could turn the 20-minute neighbourhood from vision to reality
It all sounded good in theory You may have heard reference to the “20-minute neighbourhood” over the years. It’s a fairly simple concept: that everything a community could ever need can be accessed...
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Investing in better home office furniture can help the NHS too
The benefits of you having the right furniture for your home office set up are obvious. You’ll be more comfortable and considerably less likely to develop aches and pains as time goes on.
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Opening up the laptop at home for a day’s work was quite the novelty at first. Many rejoiced in wearing a tracksuit instead of a shirt and tie, and relished avoiding having to sit at their office d...
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It may have been months since you stepped inside your office. Colleagues, the security guards, the familiar faces on the commute – all of that has been on hold while the world readjusts to staying ...
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The importance of being a responsible employer in a post-Covid age
Is your entire team working from home? HR has never been more important What would managers across the UK have thought this time last year if they were presented with the scenario of their entire t...
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